Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm officially a doctor

To recap the last couple of months:

I graduated from veterinary school

Marc and I took a trip to New Orleans to look for a place to live. We found a really cute shotgun house for rent near the zoo and the university. I fell in love with the house as soon as we saw it, even though the neighborhood is still up and coming (and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my car doesn't get broken into). I have to show off all the old details:

It's cute on the inside too

I love the hardwood floors, french doors, archways, and woodbeams...
And the mouldings, and the tile fireplaces, and the heating grates in the floor, and the fenced backyard (I could go on all day). Hopefully it will make up for my car getting broken into when I move in. Marc is nervous about the neighborhood, but I looked it up on the police department website and there is no violent crime, just petty theft, and the house appears secure with burgler bars. Plus it's a good excuse for Marc to allow me to have a dog. I'm just ready to get out of CS, although I'm already missing H town and I haven't even moved out of Texas yet.

Right now I'm hanging out with my feet up, and slowly cleaning the house, organizing and packing for the move. I also need to do some studying for the residency so I don't seem like a complete idiot when I start.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You look so cute in your Doctor's getup!

3:54 PM  

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