Sick rat woes

I had a scare this morning when I woke up to find my newest rattie, Wilma showing neurological signs. She was having a hard time getting around the cage and was spinning in circles. Fearing the worst I took her to school with me and dropped her off at the clinic while I was in class. Thankfully, she only has an inner ear infection so some antibiotics should clear her up soon. Wilma is enjoying the pina-colada flavored Baytril, which reminds me of how gross medicine was when I was a kid. Except that pink amoxacillin. I was always excited to get strep throat if it meant I could take that stuff. Unfortunately, since she needs to be medicated twice a day, I'll be stuck in CS for a couple of weeks while she's being treated. The doctor also discovered that the scabs that I had assumed were from spats with her rat buddy, Betty, were actually a lice infestation. After seeing the blood drain from my face, Dr. Pare assured me that the lice are species specific and won't get on me or Queso. So after Wilma is done with her antibiotics, she and Betty are going to be treated for their parasites, and I'm going to decontaminate the cage. Super yuck. I guess that's what happens when I get my pets out of the feeder bin at the pet store. They probably aren't kept in the best conditions there. So that's the conclusion of my stressful day. That's a picture of Wilma, during healthier times, above.
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