This week sucks

My classmates will all attest to the fact that this week sucks. A project due on Tuesday, a histology test on Thursday (which kicked everyone's butt), and a 4 hour anatomy exam on Friday. I knew it was bad when my dissection partners and I were discussing the answers we had put for a question. "I put pancreas." "I put salivary gland." "Really? I thought it was the liver!" Thank goodness that birds are so wierd looking inside. At least I know I got those questions correct. Everyone is freaking out about the anatomy test tomorrow including myself. Reviewing usually leads to panic and maniacal laughter.
On a lighter note, I started my ostrich husbandry rotation this week, and I love it! I want to steal the ostrich and make her my pet because she is so funny and personable. She's not the brightest rock in the pile either. She's easily distracted by sticks, shiny things, or the wall. At one point she started being kinda pushy so I turned her around toward a corner. If she could talk I think she would have said "Oooh! a wall!" She then stared and pecked at it for about ten minutes, forgetting all about me. Getting to take care of her in the mornings actually makes it easier to wake up at 6 am, and since the ostrich is my optional rotation, I don't have to clean her pen this weekend.
I'll be in Houston again this weekend. I have a palpation exam next week so I need to practice on my parent's dogs on Sunday. I'll probably be studying most of the weekend because I have two tests next week as well (Hooray does the fun ever stop?) I might be going to a concert on Saturday night though. After the test tomorrow, I will probably need a stiff drink, so I'm going to take Friday night off from studying.
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