Saturday, November 12, 2005

Assholes et al

My previously alluded to bad day was due to an ass of a teacher who thought it would be funny to play a practical joke on his students the day of the test. The test consisted of 3 essays, a page of short answer, and 40 mc; the essays and short answer portion being worth 60% of the grade. The essays were so involved and complex that I started panicking. (As was the rest of the class, although I was so absorbed in my own mental suffering that I didn't notice) One question had so many parts that I remember thinking "I don't think there is enough room on the page to provide all of the information he's asking for." I have horrible test taking anxiety to begin with, and I have gotten nosebleeds and panic attacks during tests before, the most memorable being a horrible physics exam and a biochemistry final. I felt my chest constrict and the blood pressure rising in my head as I started to hyperventilate. Then, about 10 minutes into the test, our professor stands up, announces his wicked ruse, and tells us that the real test consists of only the last mc portion. Many people were amused, but many others, myself included, were so flustered and upset about the first 10 minutes that we couldn't concentrate for the rest of the test. Several girls cried during the test, and after the test was over I called Marc to rant and rave over the injustice of it all. But on Monday, the prof came to class to apologize for his stunt. He seemed very genuine in his remorse, and invited anyone with concerns to talk with him in his office about it. So I have decided to forgive him and have stopped wishing plagues and pestilence on him. Nevertheless, you can't play a trick like that on 100 sleep-deprived, over-stressed type A personalities and expect it to go over well. Hopefully lesson learned for him. And don't worry Billy, I drowned my sorrows in sleep and not liquor.


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