Long December

I took this picture of Queso this morning. I thought it was cute that he was using the pillow. He was also snoring extremely loudly.
Marc surprised me with tickets to the ballet last Saturday. I hadn't been to the ballet since I was about 7 years old. We saw Swan Lake, and I had such a wonderful time. The dancing, music, costumes and scenery were all breathtaking. It's all I've been able to think about for the past few days, and I can't wait to go again.
I've decided to take up the flute again. I've been practicing daily and I'm enjoying it, but I'm disappointed at myself for giving it up for so many years. Especially when I look back at the sheet music that I used to play in high school. I used to play such advanced music and now I'm back to a beginner.
Friday is the start of spring break. I need a vacation so badly. My stress level has been really high lately, and I think it has been exacerbated by a lack of sleep. I've been waking up a few hours early every morning to get some extra studying in before class. The little sleep I do get has been restless. This may be due to the hellish porch light coming in through my window. The night watchman made me put the lightbulb back in for security. I'm going to have to put up some curtains, because the towels I tacked up to the window look somewhat low class.
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