Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just a 24-year old girl

I think the school year stress has started to settle in with a vengeance. I'm getting that overwhelming feeling of inadequacy where I start telling myself that I'm going to fail all of my classes and I'll have to be a test tube jockey for the rest of my life. Which is accompanied by the thoughts that maybe veterinary medicine isn't right for me anyway and I should just quit. Usually calling Marc and talking to him helps to put me back in the right frame of mind, but right now he's going through his own issues and isn't really in any state to offer comfort and encouragement to others. I'm hoping that all of this stress is due to a test I have this afternoon and a rapidly approaching deadline on a project that's at a standstill.

And last night when I was doing my laundry every dryer was full of abandoned clothes. I don't understand why my apartment complex is full of assholes. I had to dump some clothes on the table so that I could dry my clothes, and one pile smelled like it hadn't even been washed with soap. It was so disgusting I decided I wasn't going to use that dryer after all and ran to wash my hands. What is wrong with people in this town? I miss Houston. Here's hoping that February goes better.


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