Monday, July 24, 2006

Research, reports, and rivers

This week officially sucked. I was working 12-15 hour days at the lab to finish my project and get enough results to write my final report that is due on Monday. I had long standing plans to go to the Frio river with my old friends, but my project decided to go to hell and I couldn't go. So instead of fun in the sun, I got toil in front of a microscope and a computer writing this paper. To make matters worse, I made the mistake of letting someone else turn my time sheet in, the result being that I didn't get paid because they turned it into the wrong place. Now with rent and a hefty bill from my health insurance company being due on the first of August, I had a minor panic attack. The payroll lady must have noticed my striken appearance, because she talked to the program director and got me an emergency paycheck. Thank goodness, because I didn't want to have to borrow more money from mom again. I think I'm done wallowing in self-pity.

I also found out that the mysterious white spots on my container garden was a bad infestation of mealy bugs. I was unable to save my plants, but a combo of bleach and sevin dust got rid of the little sap sucking bastards. I'm keeping an eye out in case they return so I can catch them before they set up a massive breeding colony like they did on my previous garden. I also invested in some insect resistant plants like artemesia and santolina to keep bugs away.

I've been listening to Silversun Pickups. I like them, dark and moody, but not too heavy. Kind of a throw back to those good old grunge days. Sometimes I really miss the 90's.


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