Sunday, June 11, 2006

Life is grey

I've always preferred the British spelling of grey. It seems a more sombre and appropriate spelling to me. I feel like my life sucks at the moment. I know that my life does not suck, and that I am quite blessed especially when I compare my life to that of a 25-year old sex slave in Russia for example. Nevertheless, my job is sucking all of the life out of me while not even paying enough for me to settle my bills. Sinking further and further into debt isn't enjoyable. I've been really good the past month, only spending money on monthly bills, food, and gas, and still I bounced a check and maxed out my credit card. Therefore, I've come to the conclusion that life sucks. And since I've exhausted all means of income, I'll probably have to sink even lower and beg my parents for money. Furthermore, because my job requires me to sit on my ass for 8 hours a day with minimal physical exertion I've gained 5 pounds this past month. Needless to say when your clothes don't fit anymore it doesn't help to lift an already low self-esteem. At least now that I'm on a diet I'm spending less money on food.

I was thinking this weekend about how everyone has that one great love in their life. Usually it's your first love and even though you break up or move away or whatever, they are always in the back of your mind as the person you compare all others to. I found out who Marc's great love was this weekend and she's a lot prettier than me. Sigh.

I listened to the new Dixie Chick's album. It's okay, I guess I'll give it a thumbs up.


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