Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's crunch time

I've got a lot of work to do, as always. But on the other hand I just got out of the hot tub at Jennie's house, I've got a glass of wine in my belly, and a purring kitten sitting in my lap. If that isn't a major deterant to serious work then I don't know what else is. I had a productive week at school so far. Our survival surgery went really well, and against all odds, our patient survived! She's a cute as a button, scruffy little terrier mutt. She's also a holy terror when trying to put in a catheter. After I tried and failed twice, Dr. Carroll stepped in and finally had to hand the 5th catheter attempt over to Sal who successfully placed it. He almost got a plug taken out of him by the dog, but better him than me. I had my feline internal medicine rotation at the clinic today, and it was a lot of fun. The clinicians and 4th year students were really nice about asking and answering my questions, and I feel like I learned a lot. I hope that my next rotation through community practice is as good. And now I'd better get to work on my clincial correlates case report. Because I don't want to end up with the following comments in response to the differentials on my report like last time: "Possible? Of course. Likely? No. Evil or bad or terrible as a differential? Debatable." and the all time winner: "If you have no real idea of the probable causes of a disease in a given patient, then all you can hope for is to guess the right plan. In such a case, you will never amount to much of a veterinarian and you will waste a lot of money and probably kill a bunch of patients." Good times. And some people wonder why he is such an intimidating lecturer.

Randomness: I laughed until my abs hurt at this post.

Do I have what it takes to be a good vet? Debatable.


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