Saturday, April 05, 2008

Can you tell I'm procrastinating?

I don't understand the deal with Agyness Deyn. First of all her name sucks. I really hate names with unnecessary consonants. Secondly, she has terrible taste in clothes that everyone keeps oohing and ahhing over. I feel like I'm witnessing the emperor's new clothes.
I think the fug girls said it best:
"People are always going on and on about the effortless, incomparable-to-mere-mortals style of model Agyness Deyn -- like she's some kind of Chloe Sevigny of the catwalk, and we mere mortals can only DREAM of rolling out of bed every morning as fluent as Agyness is in the language of Awesome. "
Third, she's beautiful and fabulously skinny, which automatically puts her on my hate list. I'm not too worried though, soon she'll be boring and everyone will roll their eyes at her wardrobe antics like Sienna Miller.


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