Tuesday, April 18, 2006

That's the way we get by

16 days until summer break.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. Consequently I have been imbibing large amounts of caffeine. It helps for a little while but I've been falling asleep in my afternoon classes. If my camomille plants were still alive I could brew a nice relaxing cup of tea. Apparently they didn't like living on my front porch because they died only a few days after I bought them. The rest of my new herbs are doing well, especially the lavender and thyme.

I took a test today which gives me a small break before finals. I'm going to use the precious free time by taking Rita for a walk, cleaning my apartment, and watching an instructional dvd on reflexology. I don't have a wierd foot fetish, I'm just interested in holistic medicine.

Everyone seems to be suffering from massive amounts of drama in their lives lately. Except me. Do I lead a boring life or am I just oblivious to the maddness circulating around me? Perhaps it is for the best. I did meet a former nemesis today. In the five or so years since I've seen her she's actually become a decent human being. Vet school seems to have a way of changing people, although usually they become more of an asshole not the other way around.

At this exact moment I'm listening to "The Leaving Song" by AFI from the Sing The Sorrow album. Rock on.

I don't bite...hard.