Monday, July 31, 2006

Angry, spiteful, self-loathing post (you've been warned)

I was going to start writing about how this week has started sucking ass. Then I looked back over the past few blogs, and I realized that this is one of the same theme. I'm not even going to bother elaborating on how much I hate research, the lab, deadlines, blah blah blah. Just read the last few posts that pretty much sums it up.

Oh yeah, I've also decided that I hate summer, which is sad since it used to be my favorite time of year.

As long as i'm at it, I might as well make a list of the rest of the things i've grown to despise during the past 3 months:

-incompetant people who prevent me from getting my paycheck on time
-mealy bugs
-being poor
-people with high pitched voices who flap their jaws at every possible moment without contributing a single intelligent comment
-large trucks/SUVs (especially the ones that try to run my cute fuel-efficient car off the road)
-my awkward growing out hair
-telemarketers + overpriced phone service forcing me to cancel my land line
-souless cosmetics corporations that put teratogens and carcinogens into everything that I've been slathering on my body for years
-the vast right wing conspiracy to destroy everything that is good about the world
-any pretty girl that is younger than me
-90% of the male population

I feel slightly better now, thanks for putting up with that outburst. I promise the next posting will be more cheerful.


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