Sunday, August 20, 2006

Birdwatching at Brazos Bend

Marc and I went to Brazos Bend State Park today to view the wildlife. There were loads of mosquitos, orb weavers, and alligators, none of which were afraid of humans, much to my dismay. We did see a lot of birds including some new ones to add to my list. I also learned the difference between a gallinule and a moorhen. Fun times.

-Yellow warbler
-White-eyed vireo
-Yellow-crowned night heron
-Great blue heron (eating a snake!)
-Little blue heron
-Little green heron
-Great egret
-White ibis
-Common moorhen
-Purple Gallinule
-unidentified sandpiper (Solitary Sandpiper perhaps?)
-Red-winged blackbird

School starts tomorrow. I'm not sure whether I'm more nervous or excited. There's no failing out now that I owe almost $50K in student loans. It's hard to even comprehend that much money.


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