Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Surveying on the Coast

I spent last weekend at Mad Island wildlife management area doing a survey for waterfowl viruses. Basically I swabbed the cloacas of the waterfowl downed by hunters all morning. I learned a lot about the various species of ducks and how to tell the drakes apart from the hens and juveniles from adults. I also did a little bit of birdwatching before the hunters came in from the field. The peacefullness of the early morning was somewhat ruined by the sounds of shotguns and fleeing flocks of birds in the distance, but I did see a few new species to add to my list.

-Vermillion Flycatcher
-Eastern Meadowlark
-Blue-winged Teal
-Green-winged Teal
-Lesser Scop

Right now I'm listening to Emily Haines and The Ramones, and wishing it was Christmas.


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