to remember to write 2007 on my checks instead of 2006. Christmas in Houston was lovely. I spent part of the day at my parent's house eating pie and opening presents. My parents gave me binoculars and a pathology book, and my brother gave me a pink stone necklace. Marc was a sweetheart and surprised me with a gift certificate to
my favorite clothing store and tickets to the Symphony to see Yo Yo Ma in January.
Then we headed over to Marc's sister's house for the second family gathering where a huge dinner and more pie were feasted upon. I got some lovely lip gloss and Marc and I got some good gift cards in the exchange (although I did have to steal one from a baby). Sometimes you have to be ruthless.
I've been back in CS for a week, mostly bored because the campus has been closed all week so I can't get into the lab to work. They don't seem to realize that some of us work by the hour and can't afford week long vacations. The academic field is a cushy life in my opinion, and I'm refering to the university level of course. Primary and secondary school teachers work their ass off for little pay/respect and my hat is off to them.
I finished reading Watership Down, and it's going on my bookshelf in the section for most favorite books of all time. Right now I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov. It's a slower read, but a fascinating one. But I always have qualms about reading a translated work because I wonder if the writer's true meaning comes through into English. It's probably the only time in my life that I've wished I could read Russian.
I'm listening to the new
Neko Case album, Fox Confessor Brings the Flood. It's fabulous like all of her work. But you can't expect any less from a former punk rocker turned folk country singer.