Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's crunch time

I've got a lot of work to do, as always. But on the other hand I just got out of the hot tub at Jennie's house, I've got a glass of wine in my belly, and a purring kitten sitting in my lap. If that isn't a major deterant to serious work then I don't know what else is. I had a productive week at school so far. Our survival surgery went really well, and against all odds, our patient survived! She's a cute as a button, scruffy little terrier mutt. She's also a holy terror when trying to put in a catheter. After I tried and failed twice, Dr. Carroll stepped in and finally had to hand the 5th catheter attempt over to Sal who successfully placed it. He almost got a plug taken out of him by the dog, but better him than me. I had my feline internal medicine rotation at the clinic today, and it was a lot of fun. The clinicians and 4th year students were really nice about asking and answering my questions, and I feel like I learned a lot. I hope that my next rotation through community practice is as good. And now I'd better get to work on my clincial correlates case report. Because I don't want to end up with the following comments in response to the differentials on my report like last time: "Possible? Of course. Likely? No. Evil or bad or terrible as a differential? Debatable." and the all time winner: "If you have no real idea of the probable causes of a disease in a given patient, then all you can hope for is to guess the right plan. In such a case, you will never amount to much of a veterinarian and you will waste a lot of money and probably kill a bunch of patients." Good times. And some people wonder why he is such an intimidating lecturer.

Randomness: I laughed until my abs hurt at this post.

Do I have what it takes to be a good vet? Debatable.

I don't bite...hard.

Monday, October 08, 2007

I have a lot of work to do

But I have a mind full of recent happenings that need to be posted in a public forum. I had a busy weekend of removing deer antlers, driving all over the state of Texas, volunteering for rabies virus awareness day, visiting a couple of pregnant friends, and frolicking with men in tights. On Saturday morning I woke up bright and early for the deantlering wetlab at school. We knocked out a gorgeous fallow buck and removed his impressive rack. Because I knew that both male and female reindeer have antlers, I was chosen to remove one of the antlers with gigli wire. After that fun adventure, I volunteered for a couple of hours at the rabies awareness day where I handed out free pens and educated the public about the importance of rabies vaccination. I drove to Fredericksburg with Heather on Saturday afternoon to visit with Katie and Rachel, who will be giving birth to their first borns shortly, and to shower Katie with pastel onesies and other miniature items for clothing, wiping, and transporting said first born. There are so many things that babies need! I hope there is a reference book for that sort of thing. On Sunday, I drove back to College Station and went to the Renaissance Festival with Jennie, Billy, and An. It was our first time, and it was all that I had hoped for and more! There was much feasting on funnel cake, beer, and daqueris (because apparently frozen drink machines were invented in the middle ages). Jennie was violated during a show by a man covered in mud, and we all blatantly oogled a man with the physique of a Greek god who was wearing nothing but a leather loincloth. Upon our return to the 21st century, Billy noticed a note on his truck which was parked in my driveway. I live in a duplex which has 4 parking spots out front. My neighbor and his girlfriend only use one of the spots because he drives a motorcycle which he parks on the walkway, and I only use one of the spots for my car. Thus, there is plenty of space for all in the driveway and on the street for the parking of cars. I've always assumed that my neighbors were easy going people, but the note proved otherwise. It said "This is not your parking spot. If you park here again, I will have you towed!" My neighbor was standing at his open window as we gazed in wonder at the note. Billy immediately whipped out his camera and took a picture for facebook posterity while yelling "Passive agression!, passive aggression!" Thanks Billy, for making my neighbors hate me even more. I'll have to be careful to steer clear of their territory from now on.

I don't bite...hard.