Saturday, February 28, 2009

The past three months

I haven't updated in the past three months so here's a recap:

I passed the national board exam!

I got engaged and started planning a wedding for October 2009

I made it through a few more rotations:
-Orthopedic Surgery (Loved it and got an A)
-Dentistry (Loved it)
-Small Animal Emergency (Hated it but survived and got an A)
-Radiology (Boring and tedious)
-Currently on Large Animal Emergency (The eighth circle of hell, but it's almost over)

I ran a half marathon in Austin which was probably the most painful thing I've ever done to my body. I've decided that my poor knees can't handle endurance running (miles 10-13 were pretty excruciating) so I've started triathlon training. I'm thinking that some low impact cross training might be better than running all the time. There's been a couple things holding me back from attempting a triathlon in the past: I don't have a road bike and I can't swim. I decided that for my first race, I'll just get a tune up on my old, crappy mountain bike. I'm not looking to win the race, and bikes are a big investment. I'll wait until I decide if I enjoy triathloning before I look into better bikes. The swimming is a bigger hurdle, but I signed up for swimming lessons at the school gym starting on Monday. It won't train me for open water swimming, but hopefully will keep me from drowning/looking like a dumb ass.

I got my official offer for a lab animal residency at Tulane. It was my first choice, and I'm excited to start this summer. I'll be the first resident there, but the program seems well organized and a really good fit for me.

Now I have to pass the Texas state board exam in April. It shouldn't be too bad, it's mostly legislation and Texas law which is boring to study but better than some state exams. CA is supposed to be a killa. Other states are super easy, just mail in a check or do a take home/open notes test.

My next rotation is necropsy which shouldn't be too bad. I'm not a big fan of necropsies and pathology but the hours are nice, and I'll be getting normal sleep. Overnights sucks big time, especially when your patients are trying to kick you. At the end of every shift I feel like I've cheated death once again.

I don't bite...hard.