Goodbye horses!
Finishing field services means I won't have to touch another horse again! I was worried about field services as I have very little horse experience and absolutely no cattle experience. The horse work was about as expected, tiring and annoying. The food animal service was surprisingly enjoyable although I came home everyday covered in manure. We spent the first two days at a ranch in North Texas to administer breeding soundness exams to 25 bulls. I didn't post the actual exam photos, not for the faint of heart. We got an awesome tour of the ranch which had an amazing view of the Brazos river:
The ranch is 3000 acres, so we took a sometimes wild ride on 4x4s:
We spent the next day palpating 200 dairy cows for pregnancy. That entails standing in several inches of liquid cow shit with your arm up the cow's rectum. Dairy work is definately not for the weak ie. me.

These cows had contented looks on their faces as they were being milked, and they were rocking out to some lively tejano music. Not a bad life for a cow. We're sporting the attractive coverall look here:
After today, I'm on vacation. I have to take the TX state boards on Monday then I'm off to Houston. I've got some wedding plans for the week: cake tasting with Billy on Tuesday and second dress fitting on Thursday. The following week I'm going camping down by Corpus Christi. I'm planning on swimming, surfing, sunning, and bird watching. I have to come back to school unfortunately but I'll be on one of my favorite rotations, anesthesia. Then I graduate and get out of this place. It's been a fun, hard, frustrating four years. Later vet school!

These cows had contented looks on their faces as they were being milked, and they were rocking out to some lively tejano music. Not a bad life for a cow. We're sporting the attractive coverall look here: