Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006
The Harsh Truth Of The Camera Eye
Yesterday was my birthday, and Marc was the only one who remembered. Leaving him every Sunday to come back home is the hardest part of the week.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Spilled Milk Factory

This is a picture of Bessie, the cow I've been taking care of the past week for husbandry class.
So even though the day started out pretty crappy it all worked out in the end. Now the week is headed downhill, and I'll get to drive to Houston to see my love soon. My birthday is on Sunday, so maybe I can get the parental units to take me out to lunch. I'm thinking seafood.

Somebody euthanize me please
I've been a complete dumbass this week. Yesterday I locked my keys in my truck and had to pay a locksmith to break in. Today I completely forgot which class I have after lunch causing me to run late. And since this professor forbids us to walk in late (or else suffer the consequences of an on the spot class examination and therefore the wrath of my other classmates) I had to skip the lab altogether. And I think we had a quiz in that class which means I have to go talk to this professor, explain that I had my head up my ass, and beg to make up the quiz. Then I'll have to apologize to my lab partners for not helping with our assignment, and finally I'll get to explain to everyone who walks up to me asking why I skipped lab about how I'm about as brain dead as the sheep we're dissecting. If you didn't notice by now, my self esteem is riding an all time low. Well, I've gotta go act out the scenarios I just described and then spend 3 hours with a rotting horse carcass. Fun times.

Thursday, February 09, 2006
What day is it?
I haven't updated my blog in a while mainly because I've been having a hell week of three tests and a case report due. I've been wandering around in a zombie-like state during the day, and even my dreams have been haunted by visions of the passive stay apparatus in the equine thoracic limb, renal reabsorption of sodium, and the development of the urogenital sinus in the embryo. Now that two of the tests are done and my paper has been turned in, I can actually stop studying for a minute and take a look at what's going on around me and update my blog. Hmmm...same old boring shit, oh well. The only exciting thing that happened this week is my truck got hit Saturday night while I was parked on the street. I've decided that walking to school and waiting for half an hour at the bus stop in 40 degree weather isn't too enjoyable. I'm glad that my truck is back even if it did cost an arm and a leg to fix.
Anyway, back to my original topic of why I haven't been updating lately. I'm worried that maybe my blog is being used for evil instead of good, which is kinda cool, but makes me reluctant to make posts anymore. So I'll still keep the site, but maybe I should make a disclaimer for all of my stalkers that I'm a very self-absorbed person and therefore all of my posts have to do with me and my pathetic social life, not anyone else's. Well, it's time for me to go now. I have to feed a cow and she doesn't like to be kept waiting for her breakfast.
Anyway, back to my original topic of why I haven't been updating lately. I'm worried that maybe my blog is being used for evil instead of good, which is kinda cool, but makes me reluctant to make posts anymore. So I'll still keep the site, but maybe I should make a disclaimer for all of my stalkers that I'm a very self-absorbed person and therefore all of my posts have to do with me and my pathetic social life, not anyone else's. Well, it's time for me to go now. I have to feed a cow and she doesn't like to be kept waiting for her breakfast.