A flashback and a look forward

After 3 years of indecision, fear, and a little bit of questioning my commitment to my future career, I've stumbled onto what I want to do after I graduate. I've been spending the past few weeks at different research animal complexes in Bastrop, College Station, and Houston and each visit gets me more and more excited about laboratory animal medicine. Yesterday I visited the Texas Heart Institute at St. Lukes Hospital in Houston. I was part of a large group of veterinarians, pathologists, medical doctors, technicians, biomedical engineers, students, and even a photographer all gathered around a sheep fitted with the latest in ventricular assist devices being developed to save human lives. After seeing the collaboration between all these different fields and then going upstairs and seeing the patients being treated I thought to myself "Wow, I can really be a part of something bigger." I haven't felt this excited in a long time. I can't wait for my internship at MD Anderson Cancer Center this summer. The thought of working in a small animal clinic seems so boring to me now, that I can't believe that I ever considered doing that after I graduated. I just had to share my enthusiasm.