I'm really tired after a long day of roadtripping to Austin and Bastrop. Visiting MD Anderson in Bastrop was a lot of fun, but very hot. Standing out in the sun mixed with a stressful car ride to Austin gave me a bad headache that only progressed in intensity as the day wore on. One of the van passengers was the most annoying person I have ever met. Her voice was the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, and she had an inappropriatly loud comment for everything. We took a wrong turn as we were leaving for Austin, and an hour and a half later she was still talking about it. I thought Jenny was going to freak out and attack her before we got to Austin, and honestly if she had done it, I wouldn't have tried to hold her back. Other than that the trip was enjoyable, but I sure am glad to be home.
On Tuesday I drove to Houston to see The Walkmen play at Walter's. It was hot, super crowded, and smoky as hell in the club, but the band was awesome and we were 10 feet from the stage. I was tired, sweaty and hoarse from screaming and breathing in the smoke by the time the concert was over. In one word: perfection.
This past week has been rather stressful at work. I'm working on a staining protocol for my project that has never been done before, so it's a lot of trial and error. I also had to learn how to make some buffers on my own which required some math skills that I haven't used in awhile, but it all worked out in the end. I've also had to dust off my histology atlas because nobody in the lab is really sure what the final result is supposed to look like. Looks like I'm on my own. I am getting to help out with some interesting diagnostic work and learning some new techniques right now which is fun. Nevertheless I'm glad tomorrow is Friday and I can relax and sleep in for a couple of days.
Right now I'm listening to a Live recording of Slayer to prepare for a concert on Sunday. I probably will end up not even going, but it's good to experience some of the music that Marc enjoys. Honestly it all sounds the same to me, but I'm going to listen to the whole album a couple of times. After all, Marc did skip the last game in the basketball finals to see The Walkmen with me. It must be love.