My, my a lot has happened in one 24hour period. I kicked some Anatomy butt as predicted, and headed to Houston for the annual zoo christmas party. Marc and I were the hottest couple there (which says a lot about the other employees, yikes) and I got many complements on my tits and ass by drunk partygoers. Some highlights: when a drunk ranger grabbed my hand and made me feel up her chest because she had spilled her drink all down the front of her dress, two random guys saying I looked hot (which made my day cause it doesn't happen often), seeing a jealous employee who has a big and slightly unstable crush on Marc scowl from across the room, my ex-boss blatently staring at my chest which was a bit awkward. The food rocked: giant chocolate fountain! Downsides: couldn't drink because i had an early drive back to CS the next morning and i was Marcs DD, discovering that wearing 4inch heels makes it really hard to stand or walk after 6 hours. Away with you killer dancing shoes of satan!
Anyways, so early next morning I drove back to CS where I discovered that a big ice storm had hit the night before! Huzzah school was cancelled! Probably a good thing since I was fishtailing down George Bush drive. An extra day to study provided by a benevolent God who knew that I was not prepared for my test this morning. It does mean 8 hours of straight testing tomorrow to make up for it, but I'm up for it. I'll have to cancel my volunteer work tomorrow afternoon so that I can take my tests and then drive back to Houston for End of Semester Fest at Numbers! Now, time to take advantage of my remaining study time so I can kick some physiology ass!